Choir News & Calendar
*Events on this calendar may change. Please check your email for the latest updates.
The ACMHS production of Disney's High School Musical will be January 30 - February 1. Cast and Crew are hard at work!
Choir Amazon Wishlist - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2LV1ITGTJ3AXZ?ref_=wl_share
Things we always need (in case you these on special and want to send some to the school): Pencils (mechanical and normal), Bandaids, 1 inch black binders, Pencil Pouches that can go inside the 3 rings of the binder, Tissues (the kids can tell you we never have enough), Snacks for the kids
Questions about AMCHS Choir?
Send Mrs. Ramos an email eramos@csisd.org.
Stay Informed!
Join our new Group Me for the 2024-2025 year. Check your email for the link.
Get on the list! Make sure you are on Mrs. Ramos's email list. Send her an email at eramos@csisd.org to request to be added.